Digital Entanglement, ongoing

Digital Entanglement is a repository and virtual exhibition space for Cuban born-digital materials related to the fields of literature, visual arts, and music.

Although the Cuban National Library does have some public made-digital collections, they do not collect born-digital content. Since there is no physical version of content created in digital format, born-digital materials are at a higher risk of being lost or altered, limiting future researchers from studying them as historical resources. Several Cuban born-digital documents are already lost, either entirely or in their original form.

In the meantime, information exchange for Cuban cultural producers and consumers increasingly happens in digital format. Digital magazines, mailing lists, soundtracks, motion pictures, blogs and web portals, among others, are at the core of the present Cuban cultural production. For that reason, we need to find a way to collect, preserve and grant access to this new digital heritage material.

This initiative is complementary to the ongoing research for my doctoral dissertation Digital Entanglements in Cuban Literature, Visual Arts, and Music (Spanish & Portuguese Department, Princeton University).

Digital Entanglement:
