Cuba Fake News (Net-art) --March, 2009

DESCRIPTION: This project was conceived as a way to intervene the Havana Biennial in 2009, a year were institutional censorship was particularly visible for Cuban artists and writers. That same year was launched some other alternative projects such as Catálogo 1, from visual artists Yeny Casanueva and Alejandro González -and circulated via email during the Biennial-, and the digital book Boring Home, by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo. This ebook was launched at the margins of the official venue of the Havana International Book Fair. 

Call for fake Cuban news:

(This call was launched via email to a mailing list of 700 addresses of Cuban writers and artists both from inside and outside the island)

Cuba Fake News was PROYECTO DESLIZ's contribution to the X Havana Biennial. Today is the Cuban newspaper for fake news about Cuba.
We invite everyone to be part of this project.
Write your fake news about today's Cuba.
All you need to do is to write your fake news and send it to our email address proyecto desliz. If your story comes with a picture, send it too. You are the journalist on this newspaper. We are waiting for your report. 
